You've Finished Uni, Now What?

Posted by The Young Business Professional on Wednesday, April 01, 2015 with No comments

After you complete your Bachelor Degree, there is a multitude of different options to fill out what is likely a bare resume. The following is some options to set yourself apart from the thousands of people who completed the same degree as you.

Masters Program
In an increasingly competitive professional workplace, a Bachelor degree may not be enough to set you apart from other applicants. More and more people are completing their Bachelor Degree and to set yourself apart from other employees you may have to consider completing your Masters.

The following schools are just some of the Masters programs offered in Australia.

University of Queensland
University of Melbourne
La Trobe University
University of New England
Charles Sturt University

Having volunteering experience on your resume shows your potential employee that you are a 'team player' and give back to the community. However as a general rule it is probably better if you steer clear of political and religious affiliations on your resume. Whilst discriminating is illegal on these grounds, it is probably better to go the safe route.
Volunteering can also be a cathartic experience, which will benefit you and your mental well-being.

Keep Reading
An important thing to do when you've finished university is to keep reading within your field of expertise. For example a Business major would read Forbes, Harvard Business review or the Economist online. Go to the library and read something from the last few years. Keeping your knowledge up to date will set you apart from other employees and candidates for a position, and it's easy to tell if someone is well read. Just twenty minutes a night before bed can be all you need.