A Manager Who Blames You For Their Mistakes, And Takes Credit For Your Success

Posted by The Young Business Professional on Sunday, April 06, 2014 with No comments

A manager that blames you for their mistakes and takes credit for your success can be a common frustration for young business professionals. It's easy to become upset. How you handle this situation is very important. It's very tempting to say something to the manager when upset, but it's important to display a high level of emotional intelligence, and bite your tongue.

It's easy to become upset, and feel like they are smearing your reputation within the company, however a manager who does this to you, will have undoubtedly displayed the same behaviours to other employees, and most likely be a known issue. 

If you are in a situation where you have been blamed for a mistake, you should ask the manager how you should have done it differently. This will do one of two things, either it will calm the manager down and it will show you are trying to improve. Or the manager will try to articulate what you could have done differently, and maybe come to their own conclusion that you are not to blame.