Define Your Strengths and Weaknesses
Posted by The Young Business Professional on Sunday, April 06, 2014 with No comments
"What are your strengths and weaknesses?" Also known as "What are your development areas?"
This common interview question is a hard one to answer. Hopefully you have your strengths down-pat and ready to answer.
As hard as it is to believe, saying you don't have any weaknesses or saying 'I care too much' or 'I get too invested in the job' are terrible answers. Terrible.
One strategy to answer this question is to offer a minor flaw, and then say what you are doing to correct the flaw.
For example, if you are applying for a job in an office you could say "I have limited abilities using MYOB, however I have a book at home and I am teaching myself to be more proficient". If you are applying for a job as a junior accountant you could say "I only have beginner skills in Microsoft Word, however I am a fast learner and I will pick up any necessary skills I don't have quickly".
Obviously these examples are unlikely to apply to yourself, but replacing the skill and the solution should prove to be a successful strategy to answer this question. Do you have any other strategies to share? Please comment below.
Categories: interview, tough questions
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